Learn how Selvi overcame her health challenges through fitness....and now enjoys her primary care visits!


I have been attending classes at Limitless Fitness since they opened in September, 2015.  Approximately 6 months ago I also added in personal training with D.J. Ayotte.  While group classes brought me intense workouts alongside of my peers, personal training added another level of strength-training that further led me to my goals. 
During my pregnancies with my 4 children I developed gestational diabetes, indicating a strong predilection for developing Adult Onset Type II diabetes in the future.  By my 40’s my weight was creeping up and I became pre-diabetic.  Along with the weight gain I noticed that my knees were getting increasingly painful from years of running and from the added strain from my weight.  My PCP would comment on the need for weight loss at every visit.  It made my yearly visits very daunting and something I hated to attend.  She told me that if I lost just 10% of my body weight, I could relieve more than 50% of the pain I was experiencing in my knees.  This really stuck with me and I decided then that I needed to do something. 
I have lost 40 pounds within the last year, most of it since starting personal training with D.J.  At my yearly visit all of my numbers have normalized, and I am not afraid to see my PCP anymore for fear of her comments on my weight!  Limitless Fitness has become a second home for me and a bit of an obsession.  While some people have artistic hobbies, physical training has become my hobby.  I look forward to my group classes at Limitless Fitness which I attend 4-5 days/week.  Their class schedules fit very well into my work and personal schedules.  During the classes we have so much fun together while also working hard to stay fit.  Personal training has provided me with further strength and toning.  D.J. has given me invaluable information on body mechanics, conditioning, diet and general overall strength-related training.  I am 48 years old and I am the strongest I have ever been in my entire life.  My husband and I recently trekked through the foothills of the Himalayas in Bhutan at 11,500 feet elevation.  I had no issues whatsoever with the elevation or the physical strain of the hours-long hikes.  This year we will be climbing the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  It is yet another reason to keep training. 
I have so much to be grateful for but most of all I am extremely grateful to Limitless Fitness, particularly to D.J., Kevin and Sue.