Learn how Bari took her own advice, embraced change and the lifestyle benefits she earned!


As a high school teacher I am always telling my students to embrace change because change helps them grow, yet when it’s time to take my own advice, I am always hesitant and I second guess what I am doing.  This was never more true than in the summer of 2017 when I made a change and left a gym I had been going to religiously for nearly seven years.  I was nervous about leaving a place I’d been going to for so long. I left with my trainer, and best friend, Kevin Kneeland who was also embracing a change, and we both came to Limitless Fitness.
At the time, I had just started becoming active in obstacle course races (OCRs) whether local or the nationally known Spartan Races.  My old gym really didn’t offer what I needed to be successful in participating in these races, but after spending one morning at the Limitless Studio, I knew that this was a place where I could flourish and work on myself.  You see, in the last few years I have had my own health obstacles.  After a health scare, a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and crazy injuries, I kicked myself in the rear end and lost thirty pounds, wiped out Type 2 Diabetes, and got my cholesterol in check.  The next step was to maintain these successes and then prove to myself that I could do activities that I was never able or wanted to do before.
The 5:00 AM Build and Burn class was that first step.  With Kevin at the helm, he has built an atmosphere with a group of people that are not only participants, but have become friends.  The camaraderie we have is such that I never felt at another studio.  We laugh with one other, we push one another, and we are all each other’s cheerleaders.  Because of these workouts, and Kevin’s guidance, I have found that the obstacles I couldn’t do, I can now face and get them done...and those that I don’t, that’s OK.  I at least have the drive and ability to try.  This was something that I really didn’t have before.  Kevin has also joined me in my OCR pursuit.  We aren’t in it for the time, but for the teamwork, spirit, and the laughter.  My last race of the season is in a little less than two weeks at the Spartan Fenway Sprint.  It’s my favorite race of the year and it pushes me more than any other OCR.  With the support of Limitless Fitness, and my trainer running beside me, I am stronger both physically and mentally.  I can overcome any obstacle on or off the course.  Change...it’s good