Check out all Corinne has accomplished by embracing her new fitness lifestyle!


A little over 2 1/2 years ago, I had had enough. I was tired of being tired. I joined Limitless Fitness... and my world has not been the same since! My journey has sometimes seemed slow, and it has been a lot of had work, but I would not change it for a minute! I find it amazing that just over two years ago I was so unhealthy, and now I am doing strength training, lifting barbells, and running! I drink more water, eat a much healthier diet, and I choose to run for enjoyment!

I ran in my very first 5K race just 1 1/2 years ago... I had never been able to run before, and I thought I must be crazy for starting running at 48 years old. But with the support of fabulous trainers, friends, and family, I did it! Since then, I have run in so many races I have lost count! In addition to several 5Ks, I have also run some obstacle course races, a 5 miler, a 10K, and I just completed my very first half marathon!!! It was truly a dream accomplished!

I feel stronger, healthier, happier, and more fit than I ever have been in my life. I thank Limitless Fitness, especially Sue and DJ, for all the training, support, and guidance. They pick me up when I am down, and constantly encourage me and celebrate with me. I am not the fastest runner, nor the slowest runner, but I am the perfect pace for me.... I love working out at Limitless Fitness, and I love running, and I cannot wait to see what the next year brings! Now.... what race is next ?!?!