Despite battling Cerebral Palsy, Katie forges forward as a caregiver in her job!

Our most recent open gym winner, Katie trains with Jen one time a week and attends open gym and Saturday classes in the off time. Always wearing a smile, Katie is known for her strong work ethic and dedication to her fitness. Jen, her trainer says “when working with Katie, due to her cerebral palsy, grip strength can be an issue. We found that changing to different handles helps her ability to use higher weights because she can hold the weight longer.”

Katie works hard on her fitness because her strength is required for her daily caregiver job. Always willing to step up despite her physical challenges is what is so impressive about Katie. Jen says “Katie is a force! She loves working out and she’s always happy to try new things. She loves moving her body and getting stronger. She can now do the safety barbell back squat, which was a huge step forward in her progress this year.”

Congratulations on winning open gym and so much more in your fitness endeavors, we look forward to seeing what you achieve in the months ahead!

~Team Limitless