Tawny says "it's FUN coming in"

Congratulations to Tawny, as she is our most recent winner of Open Gym! Tawny trains with Tyler each month, and uses a plan he writes for her Open Gym sessions several times a week. Tawny tells us a little about why she enjoys Limitless “I’m beginning to experience the feeling of looking forward to coming in to workout and that is something that I’ve NEVER felt throughout the years with any other gym”. We’ve even see Tawny laughing uncontrollably during her Open Gym workouts, genuinely having fun as she’s working on her fitness! Her trainer Tyler tells us “Tawny’s willingness and enthusiasm to try new exercises that she might feel are daunting at first, but performs perfectly, along with her desire to better herself every week is inspiring!”

Tawny was apprehensive to start, but knew it was an important step, so she set aside her fears and moved forward. Now she tells us “The atmosphere is truly welcoming and non-judgmental and it’s FUN coming in! I love the big, happy smile Tyler greets me with as well as his encouragement, patience and understanding. I am profoundly happy to be on this journey with him.”

We are all thrilled for you Tawny and look forward to your continued progress!

~Team Limitless