Debi Makes Progress AND Has Fun!

“What I like most about Limitless Fitness can be summed up in two words; progress and fun.  Training with Noah has been awesome.  I look forward to personal training, and Noah does a great job pushing me to meet my goals, while also being sensitive to any pain. He has tailored exercises to account for my crazy knees.  I am thrilled with the progress that I have made in such a short amount of time, and we always laugh.  Open gym is a great complement to the work that I am doing in personal training.   It helps me continue to work hard, and it is awesome coming to a place where people say hi and we can chat along the way. I really enjoy the community that is Limitless Fitness.  I have never stuck with an exercise program for this long.  

Joining Limtless has been a great decision and I truly enjoy all my time spent there.  I wish I had done it earlier! Thank you for having such a welcoming and awesome organization.   ~ Debi”