Long - Time Limitless Client Shares Success!

Two time winner of Open Gym now, Andrea, featured here, trains with Sue 1x a week and fills her additional 3 visits at Limitless with Open Gym using a custom plan she purchases from Sue each month to compliment her 1:1 trainings. Andrea has been a long time client, and we are so proud of several achievements she has made over the years including, Spartan races, 5k's, 10k's, half marathons and other OCR races. She has a competitive streak that keeps her on point with her fitness and fuels her success, at the same time she is fun and welcoming to everyone she sees during her time at the studio. Congratulations on your win Andrea!

When we ask Andrea about her experience with Limitless she says "I’ve been going to limitless since they first opened their doors. I started with personal training once a week and after some time I decided to attend classes several times a week to hit goals of gaining muscle mass and leaning out more.

Since the pandemic they no longer offered classes and I then decided to add open gym as part of my experience to continue hitting the goals I set for myself. I have found that with the help of my trainer, Sue Brisson, I was able to hit amazing goals basically losing 5% body fat and leaning out and feeling amazing.

I do not think any of these goals would have been achieved if wasn’t for the trainers pushing me to reach them as well as the positive atmosphere and other members helping to keep me focused.

At the end of a stressful work day I look forward to releasing the tension in a way that is positive and rewarding and open gym at limitless fitness allows me to do this.
