Natalia Uses Fitness to Manage Anxiety and Reduce Medication Intake!


I came to Limitless Fitness in October 2019, and it has really changed my life for the better. I was struggling with severe anxiety and depression, which led to being extremely inactive for a long period of time. My health was declining and I was on the way to becoming a type 2 diabetic, at 24 years old. I decided it was time to start making positive, healthy changes in my life, and came across Limitless Fitness while driving on 125 one day.

Since coming to Limitless, my blood sugar levels have dropped out of the pre-diabetes range. I am at a significantly lower risk for diabetes. I have lost 30 pounds, and managed to keep it off. I am still working on my fitness and my weight loss goals with Limitless, and I now feel confident that I can reach them. The trainers are experts in their field, and the sense of community of all the clients is fantastic. I always have fun when I am at Limitless. Everyone I have worked with has honestly been wonderful here!

I have trained with a few different trainers in my time with limitless, and have done the classes as well. I would strongly recommend both to anyone looking to make a change in their life and improve their health. You won’t regret it J
