Pete Improved His Fitness and Recovered From His Tibia Fracture!



Embracing a new lifestyle was not my intent when I found Limitless Fitness 2 ½ years ago.  I really just wanted to lose 15-20lb, oh but I got so much more!  I started in a Build and Burn class which is definitely a welcoming and friendly environment.  My workouts were done alongside people just like me which kept it fun and challenging.  Over a year and a half period I had lost 36lbs plus improved my stamina and strength.


October 2018, I broke my tibia while dirt biking.  Three months later, I hobbled back to Limitless Fitness and signed up for personal training to get me back on track.  I wanted my leg strong.  All the trainers are top notch offering a lot of support, motivation and guidance.  Sue accepted my challenge to help me strengthen my leg and torch some fat.  Wow!  In just two weeks-time I could already feel my body responding.  The workouts were 100% tailored to me in every aspect, all I had to do was show up, give 110% effort and enjoy the results.  My InBody report at 8 weeks showed I lost 12.5lb of body fat AND gained 3.8lbs of muscle, overall a 6% drop in bodyfat.  I have to give credit to Limitless Fitness because here I learned to strive to be active, to be ever mindful of my nutrition and to basically embrace a fitness-based lifestyle.

Thank you Limitless Fitness – Pete Janos