Read how Kevin overcame a shoulder injury and learned he has many fitness capabilities!


It all began when a flyer arrived in the mail back in 2017 – a flyer, that for some reason, I opted to look at and not just discard in the recycling bin.  I had lifted weights of the years, but never consistently or with proper form.  With assorted and chronic shoulder issues – and a desire to start exercising again – it was time to consider a personal trainer.

 So….I met with Keith who suggested I sign-up for a few sessions to discuss proper weight lifting techniques that would minimize the shoulder pain.  Two years later, I’m still here.  Limitless Fitness quickly became my “third home place”, outside of work and my own house, and personal training sessions are the highlight of my week.  With the help of Keith, and now DJ as well as the folks at Bodywise PT – my shoulder issues are a thing of the past.

 When my motivation levels ebbed, Keith was always there to coach me through it.  Having a personal trainer made me accountable – not only to myself – but also to someone I did not want to disappoint, my trainer.  The entire staff at Limitless Fitness is there to motivate you and help you achieve your fitness goals – whatever they may be.

Two years ago did I ever think I would attend Boot Camp sessions at 5AM, or complete the Thunder Run 2018 Race – Absolutely not.  But I did, and now its on to more challenges – running a 5k, turning 60 later this year and beating Sue’s time at Thunder Run 2019.