Limitless Fitness

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Learn how Emily overcame several chronic pains through her strong lifting abilities!

In October 2016, I received a cortisone injection into my spine to relieve the radiating pain to my left arm and fingers. A year later, I was advised to get another injection. That’s when I thought – how many of these injections would I receive, if I keep getting it! That’s when I decided to try something different. I was never passionate about going to the gym. Yes, I ran on treadmills and went to kickboxing classes occasionally. Never ever had I thought to do strength training. “Strength training is not my thing,” I used to think. But I was desperate.
When I started with Limitless Fitness on August 14 2017, everything was a challenge, including shoulder-pressing 5-pound purple dumbbells. But Sue was ever so patient and was there every step of the way. I have been training with Pete since January. With Pete’s coaching and encouragement, I can now deadlift 85lbx5 reps for 3 sets and am ready to progress!  Also, I can barbell back squat 90lbx5 reps for 3 sets.  I love the class add on I use as a personal training client – the class work is hard but everyone is supportive and fun! It is inspirational to watch others make progress. I often think to myself – if I keep at it, I can carry this much weight some day too!
I asked my two girls what strength training has changed for me and they immediately said “you are a lot more energetic!” Yes, I am. This summer, our family took a 3-week trip in Europe and we walked A LOT every day. On some days, I gave piggyback rides to my 7-year old. It was hard for me to imagine just a year ago how much pain I was in and how I could have possibly done all these. I am grateful to have found Limitless Fitness.