From Dumbbells to Barbells: Ned's Story

A Passion for Strength Training and Music

Ned is not only dedicated to his strength training; he also enjoys playing music and spending time with his family when he's not at the gym. His fitness journey began with a desire to transition from dumbbell training to standard barbell lifts—a step that required the right environment and support.

Finding the Right Fit at Limitless Fitness in Epping, NH

"Limitless Fitness was right on my way to work, so it’s the first place I tried, and I’m SO glad I did!" Ned shares. "The atmosphere is very welcoming and supportive, and my experience with my trainer, Reed Laasko, has been top-notch. I am making progress, getting stronger, and most importantly, I REALLY enjoy it!"

Ned joined the Limitless Fitness community in Epping, NH, in May, starting with our Open Gym sessions. His dedication and enthusiasm quickly made him a standout member, and in June, he was named our Open Gym winner, attending over 9 sessions in just one month. His commitment has even led him to increase his attendance from two to three times a week—a true testament to the effectiveness of personal training and strength training at Limitless Fitness.

Achieving Personal Fitness Goals Through Strength Training

Ned’s journey at Limitless Fitness in Epping, NH highlights how strength training is accessible and beneficial for people of all ages. With the guidance of Reed Laasko, Ned successfully transitioned from dumbbell workouts to barbell lifts, gaining muscle mass, improving bone density, and enhancing his overall well-being. His progress serves as an inspiring reminder that with the right support and environment, anyone can achieve their strength training goals.

Congratulations, Ned! We’re excited to continue supporting you on your strength training journey, and we look forward to seeing what else you achieve.

Building Muscle and Bone Density for All Ages at Limitless Fitness Epping NH - Ned’s Journey