Limitless Fitness

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Congratulations Tim and Selvi, Hiking Kilimanjaro is a HUGE accomplishment!

It’s not everyday you see a someone tackle this mountain, but Tim and Selvi set their sights on it and conquered it together! When we ask each of them how their training at Limitless assisted them in this major climb, they wrote:

Consistency with training, working our legs for step-ups, squats and lunges were all instrumental in our climb. Knowing we were headed on this trip, DJ made sure I was strengthening these areas. You are basically doing all of these exercises for the entire time. We hiked 44 miles over 7 days and gained 9000 feet from the day we started before we summited. I was never sore in my legs or even had difficulty with breathing. Limitless Fitness has not only helped me stay strong for every day life, but prepared me for an accomplishment of a lifetime. - Tim”

“The biggest challenge for us on the day we summited Mt Kilimanjaro was obviously the altitude. No one could predict what that low level of oxygen would do to our bodies and everyone reacted differently. We were told that if at any point on summit day we required oxygen we would have to turn around and go back to base camp. What my training at Limitless Fitness provided me was a solid base where I controlled my breathing and experienced little to no difficulties with my muscles or joins during a challenging climb and descent. My work with DJ over the last several years strengthened my knees so that on summit day we were able to climb from the 15,000 foot elevation at base camp to 19,341 feet at the summit and then get back down to 13,000 feet where we camped for the night. I didn’t even wake up sore! Selvi”