Limitless Fitness

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Tracy Finds Renewed Energy With Her Fitness!

Last year at this time, I realized the impact that my desk job combined with an inactive lifestyle was taking on my health. I told myself ‘I have no time for exercise’.  So over the years bad habits took root, and I got to the point where I came home from work that Fall so tired that all I wanted to do was go to bed.  By early December, I decided it was time to make a commitment to my health with Limitless Fitness. 

 When I came in to consult with Sue, she asked me what my goals were and I said strength and energy.  I really did feel weak, and I was worried I’d injure myself if I started training on my own. She paired me with one of her professional personal trainers and that was the beginning of not only strength training, but paying attention to food as fuel, monitoring activity levels day to day, and realizing the importance of knee hip and shoulder joint health.  If you had told me I’d eventually look forward to rigorous 5:30am workouts - in the winter no less – I’d call you crazy.  Training set me up for a great day with an early accomplishment and noticeable focus and clarity.  Also, when you start out as a beginner like me, most days involve a personal record and that motivation spills over into other aspects of your life.  No, this certainly did not happen for me overnight.  I did not jump out of bed on day one, run to the gym and get my macros right.  I’m building good habits over time and feeling energized.  I guarantee you I would still be dragging in the door at night if it weren’t for Limitless.

 I’m working with Heidi who not only designs my sessions and pushes me to new levels, but she checks in on how I did with my goals when not at Limitless.  It’s that accountability I take with me when I leave there.  Did I plan nutritious meals, did I get the right rest, did I set myself up for a productive workout.  I finally understand how to eat and exercise consistently for energy.  And if I could talk to the old me, I’d say I actually have more time in my life because of the energy I’m able to bring home now.  I expected strength and hoped for energy, but I am also realizing a better quality of life.  Commit with the team at Limitless Fitness and invest the time in yourself – you’ll get it back and a lot more.