Limitless Fitness

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Learn how Kasey moved to a healthy lifestyle and lost 140lbs in the process!

December 11th, 2016... the adventure began. I had just returned from my 30th birthday trip and weighed in at 295 pounds. I had extremely high blood pressure and my resting heart rate was about 110. I couldn’t walk to the next room without being out of breath.

My body had enough of 30 years of abuse. I was always a “big girl” and always said I loved myself but the truth is, I was settling. I settled out of fear of the unknown. The fear of change. The fear of stepping out of my comfort zone. For about a month I tried on my own to make better choices but my choice of restricting my calories to 1000 a day was unhealthy and I was miserable. 

In January of 2017 I came to Limitless Fitness. That first personal training session with Keith changed my life forever. Initially my journey wasn’t easy. I cried.. I laughed.. I hated it and me most days but then something happened. I was finally down my first 40 pounds and I realized - I can do this and I can do this naturally! I quickly added another training session in weekly and religiously started going to the gym 4 days a week on my own on top of training two days. Keith and the rest of the team helped me along the way by sharing recipes and healthy eating tips. Limitless is truly a FitFAMILY! I discovered it was easier to be healthy then to settle with where I was. I didn’t realize how bad I felt until I felt good! 

I continued my journey losing about two pounds a week. I was consistent with my diet and exercise routine and everyone made sure I stayed on track. If I wanted something I had it.. but just a bite. The best part is, that bite wasn’t even that good!

Today, just 18 months later I am down 140 pounds naturally and have a true understanding of what healthy really is. I am still consistent with my workout regimen and count my macros. I have no health issues and my resting heart rate is in the 60’s. 

My journey has taught me a lot about myself. Physical health is directly related to mental health. The saying “strong body, strong mind” is so true. I went from pretending I was happy to truly loving myself. I challenge myself every day and I am not afraid of change. Life is an adventure and I can now finally enjoy it. Limitless helped me change my life forever.